Book ID: 1358
Bliding, Carl
A critical survey of Europeasn taxa in Ulvales. Part 1: Capsosiphon, Percursaria, Blidingia, Enteromorpha. 1963. (Opera Botanica, 8:3) 160 p. Paper bd.
Second hand copy. Front paper cover loose.
The present work is intended to be a monographic survey of the majority of the European taxa in Ulvales, their anatomy, reproduction, development and systematics.Contents: Introduction / A: General Part:(Vegetative structure / Life - history / Asexual swarmers / Sexual reproduction / Delayed copulation and formation of hybrid zygotes / Development of the germling / Methods and taxonomical concepts used)/ B: Systematical Part:Capsosiphon / Percursaria / Blidingia. / Enteromorpha: The Torta Group, The Proliefera Group, The Jugoslavica Group, The Flexuosa Group, The Clathrata Group, The Linza Group, The Intestinalis Group )/ References / Index to the Systematic Group.