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Book ID: 114003
Ossenbach, Carlos

A History of Orchids in South America. Volume II, part 1: The Birth of the Republics: From Independence to World War I (1825 - 1925).: BRAZIL and the GUIANAS. 2025. 704 illus. (col.). 577 p. 4to Hardcover.(ISBN 978 3 946583 39 4)

Volume II (1) deals with the non-Spanish speaking countries. Brazil and the three Guianas. The territories occupy almost exactly 50% of South America's land area of 18,200,000 square kilometers and are home to 52% of its population of 422,500,000

The further Volume II (2) will tell the history of orchidology in the nine remaining South American republics that emerged from the Spanish colonial empire: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay.

Notwithstanding all was said above, we will often find botanists, travellers and orchid collectors who crossed our historical line from east to west and vice-versa, regardless of historical circumstances and political boundaries. Thus, this volume and the next, as well as others in the future, will be closely interrelated and all political, linguistic and social differences will at some point disappear and merge into one fascinating history of South American orchidology.

In terms of chronology, this volume is divided in two parts: Part A:- The era of John Lindley (ca.1825-1850) and part B - From -Reichenbach to Schlechter (ca. 1850 to 1925).
Autor/Hrsg. Ossenbach, Carlos
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Ossenbach, Carlos
Verlag Koeltz Botanical Books
Preis netto 185,00
USD Preis netto 203,5
ISBN/ISSN 9783946583394
ISBN 9783946583394
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
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