Book ID: 36088
Parkash, Ram (ed.)
Advances in Forestry Research in India. Vol. 2. 1988. illustr. 268 p. gr8vo. Cloth.
Contents: A New Strategy For Increased Biomass Through High Density Energy Plantation/ Recent Advances in Afforestation of Salt Affected Soils of India/ Biomass Production Potential of Albizia Lebbeck UndeSilvipastoral System/ Accelerating Growth of Seedlings in Nursery/ Gumand Resin Formation in Tropical Trees/ Nutritional Evaluation of FodderTrees in Kumaun Himalayas/ Forestry Development in The North East: AnApproach/ Cultivation, Improvement, Exploitation and Protection of Santalum album Linn./ Role of Farm Forestry in Meeting the Fuel-Wood Requirement of the Villagers/ Afforestation and its Role in Protectionof the Environment/ Contribution of Wood Products to National Economy/Vegetation of South India/ Conservation of Forests through Biosphere Reserves/ Nutrient Accumulation Patterns in some Man-made Forest Ecosystems in India/ Forest Entomological Research in India: History,Pest Problems and Future Thrust.