Book ID: 10477
Agriculture in the Tropics. 2nd ed. 1980. illustr. VIII,640 p. gr8vo. Bound.
Contents: The influence of climate on agriculture in the tropics/ Tropical vegetation/ Tropical soils/ Some social, economic and politicalfactors affecting agriculture in the tropics/ Soil and water conservation/ Land clearing, drainage, tillage and weed control/Rain-fed arable farming systems/ The improvement of rain-fed arablefarming/ Permanent farming systems associated with swamp rice production/ Monoculture of perennial crops/ Natural grasslands and theirmanagement/ Cultivated fodder crops and pastures/ Classes of tropicallivestock/ Adaptation of livestock to tropical environments/ Cattlemanagement in the tropics/ Livestock improvement by feeding andnutrition/ Livestock improvement through health and hygiene/ Livestockimprovement through breeding.