Book ID: 59409
Singh, Panjap, P.S. Pathak and M. M. Roy (eds.)
Agroforestry Systems for Degraded Lands. Papers presented at the International Conference on "Sustainable Development of Degraded Lands through Agroforestry in Asia and the Pacific", New Delhi, November 25-30,1994. 2 volumes. illustr. XV,984 p.gr8vo.Hard cover.
Contents: 1. Inventory and Assessment of Degraded Lands - Problemsand Potentials. 2.Alternate Land Management Systems for AmelioratingProductivity and Sustainability of Degraded Lands. 3.TraditionalAgroforestry Systems and their Productivity and Sustainability.4.MPTS - Their Inventory and Potential of Introduction in AgroforestrySystems. 5.Designing Agroforestry Systems for Degraded Lands. 6.Grassland Management. 7.Silvipastoral Systems for Dry Degraded Lands. 8.Social and Economic Issues in Agroforestry on Degraded Lands.9.Keynote Addresses. 10.Miscellaneous papers.