Book ID: 9896
Therezien, A.Coute
Algues d'Eau Douce des Iles Kerguelen et Crozet (a l'exclusion des Diatomees).1977.(Reprint 1982).19 pls.(=line drawings).90 p.4to.Paper bd. (ISBN 978-3-87429-207-8)
Abstract: 361 fresh-water algae taxa are described. Desmids arepredominant with 118 different taxa, followed by Chlorococcales (87)and Cyanophyceae (85). Sixteen new species, varieties and formae in thegenera Coleodesmium/ Anabaena/ Golenkiniopsis/ Scenedesmus/ Pediastrum/Zygogonium/ Spirogyra/ Cylindrocystis/ Gonatozygon/ Cosmarium/Staurodesmus and Staurastrum are proposed. The austral islandsendemism seems limited to the 16 new taxa. The floristic compositionis very similar to that of arctic islands.