Book ID: 100189
Hosagoudar, V.B., A. Chandra Prabha and D.K. Agarwal
Asterinales of Kerala. 2011. 23 col. pls. figs. V, 270 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Contents (partly): The Order Asterinales / Key to the families of the order Asterinales / The Family Asterinaceae / Key to the genera of the family Asterinaceae /Key to the species of Asterinaceae. Taxonomic Description / The genus Asterina / The genus Asterolibertia / The genus Ishwaramyces / The genus Meliolaster / The genus Prillieuxina / The genus Symphaster / The genus Trichasterina / The genus Vishnumyces / The Family Lembosiaceae / Key to the genera of the Lembosiaceae / Key to the species of Lembosiaceae / The genus Cirsosia / The genus Echidnodella / The genus Echidnodes / The genus Eupelte / The genus Lembosia / The genus Maheshwaramyces etc.