Book ID: 2110
Distribution of vascular plants in Europe. Volume 01: Pteridophyta (Psilotaceae to Azollaceae). 1972. 153 distribution maps. 1 base map. 121 p. 4to. Paper bd.
The body of basic knowledge of vascular plants has increased rapidly in recent decennia, and the taxonomical and geobotanical information scattered throughout the world in innumberable herbaria and botanical papers urgently requires synthesis at international or continental level. From the point of plant geography, including various aspects of chorology, one of the prerequisites of a successful large-scale synthesis of this type is an adequate flora covering the area in question, and providing a common language in respect of the delimitation and nomenclature of the taxa to be treated. This essential condition is now fulfilled for Europe by the current volumes of 'Flora Europaea'. So far only a small number of European taxa of vascular plants has been satisfactorily mapped. - The Atlas is being issued by a numerous staff of international researchers, including Meusel, Ellenberg,Faegri, Tolmachev and many others leading in plant geography. Flora Europaea is followed, whenever possible, as to species (and subspecies),and nomenclature. The area mapped is that of Flora Europaea. The Azores and Spitsbergen appear as insets. Mapping unit is the 50 km square of the UTM grid map, scale 1:1 Million. Europe comprises approx. 4400 squares.