Book ID: 105826
Schumm, Felix and J. A. Elix
Atlas of Images of Thin Layer Chromatograms of Lichen Substances / Bilderatlas von Dünnschichtchromatographen von Flechten - Inhaltsstoffen. 2015. 542 col. plates. 584 p. Hardcover.- Bilingual (German / English).
The determination of lichens it is often facilitated by a knowledge of the lichen substances present in the specimens. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) has greatly improved the speed and certainty of recognition of lichen substances by means that are simple to use and relatively inexpensive. Standardized methodology and further refinements of analytial TLC procedures for detecting and comparing lichen metabolites have been reported by C.F. Culberson (1970). For the identification of the TLC spots observed one can compare the relative Rf values (Elix,2014). Unfortunately these Rf values often vary by up to 5 % for various reasons (in particular relative humidity) and a definite identification requires experience and is often more difficult than indicated in the literature. Therefore the authors believe that the collection of HPTLC images presented here will assist in the identification of the spots, especially since the HPTLC plates are shown under various UV-light before and after applying sulfuric acid and heat, and in water.