Book ID: 35041
Ayasligil, Yahya
Der Köprülü Kanyon Nationalpark. Seine Vegetation und ihre Beeinflussung durch den Menschen. 1987. (Landschaftsökologie Weihenstephan, Bd. 5). 12 Abb. 7 Fig. 13 Tab. 6 Karten. XIV, 324 S. gr8vo. Broschiert. - In German, with summaries in English and French. 4to. Paper bd.
This study deals with the vegetation and correspnding anthrogenic influencse on it. The Köprülü Kanyo National Park is located in the middle reaches of the Köprü Irmagi in the Western Taurids. The study deals within the altitudinal range of 110m up to 2505m a.s.l.