Book ID: 82452
Pulevich, Vukic
Bibliography of flora and vegetation of Montenegro (Bibliografia o flori i vegetaciji Crne Gore, kn.1).Volume 1. 1980. 235 p. Hardcover. - In Montenegrin.
This bibliography concerns the research of flora and vegetation of Montenegro (Yugoslavia) from the first beginings to 1978. and encircles the cathegories such as: bacteria, algae, fungi, lichens, mosses and vascular plants.
Beside the autochtonous flora and vegetation, the most characteristic: data about horticultural, partly of agricultural flora have been listed as well as the literature about the autochtonous plants gathered for medical and industrial purposes.
The bibliographic units have been listed according to the alphabetical order of authors, and for each author chronologically. The annotations have been made for most bibliographical units incorporating the most essential characteristics of the paper, such as description of new taxons and new communities, typical ponyms pointing to the reader the way to investigated area and other.
At the end of the book there are there indices: author's index, publication index and the index of systematic cathegories.