Book ID: 2127
Burt,Edward Angus
The Thelephoraceae of North America.15 parts bound in 2 volumes. 1914 - 1926.(Ann.Mo.Bot.Gdn.). 18 plates. Many figs. 921 9. gr8vo. Halfleather.
Originally published in "Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden".Keys to Thelephora/ Craterellus/ Cyphella/ Exobasidium/ Tremellodendron/ Eichleriella/ Sebacina/ Hypochnus/ Septobasidium/Coniophora/ Aleurodiscus/ Hymenochaete/ Tulasnella/ Veluticeps/Mycobonia/ Epithele/ Lachnocladium/ Stereum/ Cladoderris/ Hypolyssus/Cymatella/ Skepperia/ Cytidia/ Solenia/ Matruchotia/ Microstroma/Protocoronospora/ Asterostroma/ Peniophora/ Corticium.- Keys to species,descriptions, literature, references to synonyma and exsiccata. -A good second hand copy of the original printing.