Book ID: 104143
Richter, Herrmann Eberhard
Caroli Linnaei Systema, Genera, Species Plantarum Uno Volumine. Editio Critica, Adstricta, Conferta sive Codex Botanicus Linnaeanus Textum Linnaeanum Integrum ex Omnibus Systematis, Generum, Specierum Plantarum Editionibus, Mantissis, Additamentis Selectumque Ex Ceteris Ejus Botanicis Libris Digestum, collatum, contarctum cum Plena Editionum Discrepantia Exhibens. In Usum Botanicorum Practicum Ed
Some foxing throughout. - 'This Codex is an invaluable aid foranyone who has to do with the nomenclature and taxonomy of Linneanplants: a scholarly and critically compiled, condensed version of allof the great master's important works. Each entry starts from the placeof valid publication of the name, then goes forward to the last ofLinnaeus's writings (usually ed. 13 of the 'Sytema') and backward tothe main pre-starting-point texts such as the Hortus Cliffortianus. Itgives the accepted names and diagnostic phrases, descriptive matter andsynonymies, statements of provenance, with all their respectivevariants and changes (Partial citation from Optima Newsletter 37:2, 2004, by W. Greuter).