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Book ID: 35884
CLEMENTS, Mark Alwin

Catalogue of Australian Orchidaceae. 1989.(Austra- lian Orchid Research, vol. 1). 6 figs. (line-drawings). 1 map. 160 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

The status of all Australian Orchidaceae, including those found in theexternal territories, has been reviewed. The work is principally a newassessment of all Australian orchids based on the author's viewing ofthe types, coupled with knowledge of the taxa in the living state. Alltaxa and their synonyms are listed in their reviewed state. Informationon the types, their location and the distribution of each taxon ispresented here. Dendrobium cacatua, D. capitisyork, D. dolichophyllum,D. melaleucaphilum, Pterostylis arenicola, P. aspera, P. calceolus, P.chaetophora, P. ciliata, P. cobarensis, P. concava, P. insectifera, P.leptochila, P. lingua, P. macrocalymma, P. maxima, P. picta, P.praetermissa, P. procera, P. roensis, P. sanguinea, P. spathulata, P.taurus, P. tunstallii, Trachoma speciosum and T. stellatum are describedas new. The status of forty-one taxa has been changed. These are listedin Appendix 4. The intergeneric hybrid X Calassodia is described as newfor a natural cross between Caladenia and Glossodia.
Autor/Hrsg. CLEMENTS, Mark Alwin
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Clements, Mark Alwin
Seiten CLEMENTS, Mark Alwin: Catalogue of Australian Orchidaceae. 1989.(Austra- lian Orchid Research, vol. 1). 6 figs. (line-drawings). 1 map. 160 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (35884) 18.19
Verlag Australian Orchid Foundation Library
Preis netto 23,36
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ISBN 35884
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