Book ID: 47046
Steen,Harold K. and Richard B.Tucker (eds.)
Changing Tropical Forests. Historical Perspectives on Today's Challenges in Central and South America.1992. VIII,303 p.gr8vo.Cloth.
Contents (partly): Introduction/ Keynote Addresses (Perceptions of Deforestation in Tropical America: The Last 50 Years, Gerardo Budowski/The Tasks of Latin American Environmental History, Warren Dean)/ Central America (Microfossils and Forest History in Costa Rica, Sally P.Horn/Exploitation of Natural Resources in Colonial Central America: Indian and Spanish Approaches, Murdo J.MacLeod/ Environmental History of La Selva Biological Station. How Colonization and Deforestation of Sarapiqui Canton, Costa Rica, Have Altered the Ecological Context of the Station, Susan M.Pierce/ Deforestation and Changing Land-Use Patterns in Costa Rica, Mary Pamela Lehman/ etc.)/ Mexico (Maya Urbanism and Ecological Change, Elizabeth Graham and David M.Pendergast/La Importancia Ecologica Y Economica De Las Tecnologias Tradicionales En La Agri- Silvicultura En Areas De Bosque Tropical Humedo En Mexico,Rhena Hoffmann/ Tropical Forest Policy and Practice During the Mexican Porfiriato, 1876-1910, Herman W.Konrad/ etc.)/ Brazil and Amazonia((Urban Growth, Economic Expansion, and Deforestation in Late Colonial Rio de Janeiro, Larissa V.Brown/ Forest Management in Brazil: A Historical Perspective, Sebastiao Kengen/ Indigenous History and Amazonian Biodiversity, William Balee/ etc.)/ Timber Extraction and Forestry Since Colonial Times.