Book ID: 92255
CLEMENCON, Heinz (ed.)
The Species Concept in Hymenomycetes. Proceedings of a Herbette Symposium held at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, August 16-20, 1976. B. 1977. (Bibliotheca Mycologica, 61). 49 (3 col.) pls. IV, 444 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.- Reprint 2007.
Contents: C.Bas: Species Concept in Amanita, Sect. Vaginatae/ H.E.Bigelow: Species Differentiation in Clitocybe and related Genera/R.Blaich: Enzymes as an Aid in Taxonomy of Higher Basidiomycetes/J.Boidin: Interet des cultures dans la delimitation des especes chez lesAphyllophorales et les Auriculariales/ A.Bresinsky: Die GattungPleurotus als Modell zum Verstaendnis des Artbegriffes bei hoeherenBasidiomyceten/ K.Esser: Genetic basis for speciation in higherbasidiomycetes with special reference to the genus Polyporus/ Kemp: Genefor gene Speciation, Oidia and Lethal Reactions in BasidiomyceteTaxonomy/ R.Kuehner: A propos de la delimitation des especes dans lesHygrophorus Fries du sous-genre Hygrocybe Fries; deux caracteristiquespeu ou non utilisees; la notion d'espece chez les champignonssuperieurs/ F.Oberwinkler: Species-versus Generic Concepts in theAphyllophorales/ R.H.Petersen: Species concept in higher Basidiomycetes:taxonomy, biology and nomenclature/ H.Romagnesi: Incidence descaracteres non morphologiques sur la notion d'espece et autres taxa chezles macromycetes/ R.Singer: The Species Concept in Agaricales and itsAdaptation to Taxonomy/ A.H.Smith: Speciation used in defining thespecies of the Bolbitiaceae.