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Book ID: 32825
POSTMA, H. and J.J.ZIJLSTRA (eds.)

Continental Shelves. 1988. (Ecosy- stems of the World, vol. 27). figs. tabs. IX,421 p. Lex8vo. Hardbound.

Contents (partly): Preface/ List of Contributors/ Introduction, byH.Postma and J.J.Zijlstra/ Physical and Chemical Oceanographic Aspectsof Continental Shelves, by H.Postma/ An Introduction to the Geology ofContinental Shelves, by D.Eisma/ Plankton Characteristics, byV.Smetacek/ Characteristics of the Benthic Fauna, by D.S.McLusky andA.D.McIntyre/ Fish Populations and Fisheries. Their perturbations,natural and man-induced, by G.D.Sharp/ The Flow of Energy in MarineEcosystems, with Special Reference to the Continental Shelf, by D.H.Cushing/ The North Sea Ecosystem, by J.J.Zijlstra/ The Continental ShelfEcosystem off the Northeast Coast of the United States, by K.Sherman,M.Grosslein, D.Mountain, D.Busch, J.O'Reilly and R.Theroux/ The BarentsSea, by O.Dragesund and J.Gjoesaeter/ The Gulf of Thailand, by D.Menasveta and V.Hongskul.
Autor/Hrsg. POSTMA, H. and J.J.ZIJLSTRA (eds.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) POSTMA, H. and J.J.ZIJLSTRA (eds.)
Seiten POSTMA, H. and J.J.ZIJLSTRA (eds.): Continental Shelves. 1988. (Ecosy- stems of the World, vol. 27). figs. tabs. IX,421 p. Lex8vo. Hardbound. (32825) 197.95
Reihentitel Ecosystems of the
Verlag Elsevier Books Customer Services Linacre House Account no.:00013891
Preis netto 185,00
USD Preis netto 203,5
ISBN/ISSN 2240000328256
ISBN 2240000328256
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197,95 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
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