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Book ID: 45799

Contributiones Selectae ad Floram et Vegetationem Orientis. Proceedings of the Third Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium Berlin 1990. 1991. (Flora et Vegetatio Mundi, Vol. IX). 324 S.gr8vo.Gebunden.

Inhalt (Auszug): The systematics of the annual species of the genusAstragalus L. (Leguminosae), by D.Podlech/ Seed-coat anatomy as acharacter for a new classification of Thlaspi, by F.K.Meyer/ Theevolution of rachis thorns in Astragalus and Astracantha (Leguminosae)and the systematic applicability of thorn anatomy, by T.Engel/ Are-assessment of Bromus tectorum: a computer analysis, synaptospermyand chorispermy, by F.Sales/ The genus Halothamnus (Chenopodiaceae) inSouthwest Asia, by G.Kothe-Heinrich/ Adaptive stratagems and taxonomy inS.W.Asian grasses, by P.M.Smith/ Problems in Carex section Physodeae andCyperus conglomeratus within the Flora Iranica area, by I.Kukkonen/Assessment of the morphological variation by means of numerical taxonomyin Alopecurus (Gramineae), by M.Dogan/ Parasitic flowering plants inagricultural ecosystems of West Asia, by J.Sauerborn/ Synanthropic floraof Israel, by A.Danin/ Einheimische Unkraeuter ohne Naturstandorte("Heimatlose" oder obligatorische Unkraeuter), von H.Scholz/ The floraof cultivated plants of the Georgian SSR and its genetic resources, byP.Hanelt and R.K.Beridze/ Neolithische Holzkohlen aus dem Tell WadiFenan (Wadi Arabah, Jordanien) und ihre Interpretation, von W.Frey,E.Gerlach und H.Kuerschner/ Reproductive adaptations of parasitic higherplants: The case of Cuscuta (Cuscutaceae), by U.Plitmann/ Ecotypicdifferentiation in Sarcopoterium spinosum: phytogeographicalimplications, by Y.Waisel and O.Bar Zait/ etc.
Artikeltyp Titel
Seiten ENGEL, T., W.FREY & H.KUERSCHNER: Contributiones Selectae ad Floram et Vegetationem Orientis. Proceedings of the Third Plant Life of Southwest Asia Symposium Berlin 1990. 1991. (Flora et Vegetatio Mundi, Vol. IX). 324 S.gr8vo.Gebunden.(45799) 57.00
Verlag Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung
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ISBN/ISSN 2240000457994
ISBN 2240000457994
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