Book ID: 56542
Coesel, Peter F.M.
De Desmidiaceeen van Nederland. Pt. 5: Fam. Desmidiaceae (3). 1994. (Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen van de K.N.N.V.,no. 210). 16 pls.(line drawings). 55 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - In Dutch, with Summary in English.
This fifth part of the Dutch desmid flora deals with the genera Xanthidium and Staurodesmus, as well as with the colony-forming ones.Keys to the species are presented and the taxa are described in their morphology, ecology and distribution within The Netherlands. One taxonname (Std. triangularis var. malaccensis) is recombined. All illustrations are at the same scale of magnification and originate from Dutch material.