Book ID: 88448
Raghavan, Valayamghat
Developmental Biology of Fern Gametophytes. 2005. (Developmental and Cell Biology Series, 20).Reprint 2010. illus. 376 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Preface/ Abbreviations/ The Beginning (The spore-beginning of the gametophytic phase/ Physiology of spore germination/ Cell determination and morphogenesis during germination/ Biochemical cytology and bio-chemistry of germination)/ Growth and Maturation (Developmental physiology of gametophytes- the germ filament/ Developmental physiologyand gametophytes- induction of planar growth/ Role of protein andnucleic acid synthesis in planar growth/ Vegetative and reconstitutive growth of gametophytes)/ Reproductive Strategies (Control of differentiation of sex organs on gametophytes/ Sexuality and genetics of gametophytes/ Gametogenesis and Fertilization)/ Developmental Options Apogamy- an alternative developmental program of gametophytes/ Apospory- formation of gametophytes without meiosis)/ References/ Author index/Subject index. - A reprinted ed. of the 1989 hardcopy edition.