Book ID: 8042
Petrak, Franz und H. Sydow
Die Gattungen der Pyrenomyzeten, Sphäropsideen und Melanconieen. Teil 1: Die phäosporen Sphäropsideen und die Gattung Macrophoma. 1926-1927. (Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regn. Vegetab., Beih. 42). 552 S. (all published). Cloth. Reprint. ISBN 978-3-87429-071-5
The authors aim at the presentation of a complete and precise revision of all phaeosporic sphaeropsids and of macromorpha. The checkup and descriptions have been carried out by using the relevant original collections of the material concerned. Each species has been provided with a detailed and thorough characterization. The nomenclaturial starting-point is the III. International Botanical Congress (1910), which chose the work of Fries, Systema Mycologicum 1821, 1932 as relevant for mycological nomenclature.