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Book ID: 36182

Diversity and Pat- terns in Plant Communities. 1988. (Int.Symposium on Vegetation Structu- re). 103 figs. 52 tabs. VIII,278 p. Paper bd.

Contents (partly): E. van der Maarel: Species diversity in plantcommunities in relation to structure and dynamics/ M.C. Diaz Barradasand F. Garcia Novo: Canopy profiles of organ diversity in Mediterraneanscrub/ M. Basanta, E. Diaz Vizcaino and M. Casal: Structure of shrublandcommunities in Galicia (NW Spain)/ N.V. Matveyeva: The horizontalstructure of tundra communities/ D.C. Glenn-Lewin and J.M. Ver Hoef:Scale, pattern analysis, and species diversity in grasslands/ A.F.Cornet, J.P. Delhoume and C. Montana: Dynamics of striped vegetationpatterns and water balance in the Chihuahuan desert.
Autor/Hrsg. DURING, H.J., M.J.A.WERGER and J.H.WILLEMS (eds.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) DURING, H.J., M.J.A.WERGER and J.H.WILLEMS (eds.)
Seiten DURING, H.J., M.J.A.WERGER and J.H.WILLEMS (eds.): Diversity and Pat- terns in Plant Communities. 1988. (Int.Symposium on Vegetation Structu- re). 103 figs. 52 tabs. VIII,278 p. Paper bd. (36182) 55.64
Verlag SPB Academic Publishing
Preis netto 52,00
USD Preis netto 55,1
ISBN/ISSN 2240000361826
ISBN 2240000361826
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55,64 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
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