Book ID: 48696
McKenzie, D. H., D.E. Hyatt and V.J. McDonald (eds.)
Ecological Indicators. Proceedings of an International Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 16-19 October 1990. 2 volumes 1992. Illustr. 1604 p.gr8vo. Hardcover.
This symposium was organized ro explore both the enormous potentialof ecological indicators and the substantial issues surrounding theirdevelopment and implementation.-Contents(main headings):Vol. 1: Environmental Condition/ Determining and Communication. TheEnvironmental Agenda/ Ecological Indicators/ Surface Water EcosystemsMonitoring/ Forest Ecosystems Monitoring/ Near-Coastal EcosystemsMonitoring/ Wetland Ecosystems Monitoring/ Agroecosystems Monitoring/Arid Ecosystems Monitoring/ Vol. 2: Landscape Monitoring Scales/Regional Monitoring Scales/ Global Monitoring Scales/ Trend Detection/Determining the Effectiveness of Environmental Regulations/ Diagnosticsand the Association of Causes and Effects/ The Present and Future ofEcological Monitoring/ Perspectives and Priorities/ Poster Papers.