Book ID: 19732
SYMPOSIUM. - Proceedings of the Sixth International Wheat Genetics Sym- POSIUM, KYOTO, JAPAN, NOV. 28-DEC. 3, 1983
Ed. by Sadao Sakamoto. 1984. 1294 p. gr8vo.
Contents (partly): Session I: Evolution and Speciation/ Session II:Induced and Natural Variations/ Session III: Genetic Resources in Wheat/Session IV: Alien Genetic Material/ Session V: Genetic Analysis/ SessionVI: Cytogenetics/ Session VII: Biochemical and Molecular Genetics/Session VIII: Physiological and Ecological Genetics/ Session IX:Cytoplasmic Genetics/ Session X: Quantitative Genetics/Session XI:Tissue and Cell Culture/ Session XII: Breeding and Breeding Methods including Hybrid Wheat/ Session XIII: Disease and Pest Resistance/Session XIV: Wheat Quality/ Session XV: Triticale/ Session XVI: GeneticApproaches to Raising the Yield Ceiling.