Book ID: 114568
Noordeloos, Machiel E.
Entoloma (Agaricales) in Europe. Synopsis and keys to all species and a monograph of the subgenera Trichopilus, Inocephalus, Alboleptonia, Leptonia, Para- leptonia and Omphaliopsis. 1987. IV,419 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contents (partly): Introduction/ Material and Methods/ Species Concept/Ecology and geographical distribution/ Acknowledgements/ Keys to theEuropean species of Entoloma/ Schluessel fuer die europaeischenEntoloma-Arten/ Synopsis of Entoloma taxa in Europe/ Appendix to thesynopsis/ A monograph of Subgenus Inocephalus (Sect. Inocephala/ Sect.Phlebophora/ Sect. Erophila/ Sect. Calliderma)/ A monograph of SubgenusAlboleptonia (Sect. Candida/ Sect. Cephalotricha)/ A monograph of Subgenus Leptonia (Sect. Leptonia/ Sect. Griseorubida)/ A monograph ofSubgenus Omphaliopsis/ A monograph of Subgenus Paraleptonia (Sect.Paraleptonia/ Sect. Sarcita)/ Insufficiently known or excluded taxa/References/ Index.