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Book ID: 55178
Maheshwari, J. K., G. Kunkel, M. M. Bhandari and J. A. Duke (eds.)

Ethnobotany in India.1993.(Reprint from Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, Additional Series No.10,1992).Illustr.499 p.

Contents (partly): Amalraj, V.A.: Ethnobotanical notes on banana in India/ Ara, S. & Naqshi, A.R.: Ethnobotanical studies in GuraisValley, Kashmir/ Bhalla, S., Patel, J.R. & Bhalla, N.P.: Ethnomedicinalherbal legumes of Bundelkhand region, Madhya Pradesh/ Bhalla, S., Patel,J.R. & Bhalla, N.P.: Ethnomedicinal studies on genus Indigofera from Bundelkhand region, Madhya Pradesh/ Binu, S., Nayar, T.S. & Pushpangadan, P.: An outline of ethnobotanical research in India/ Chauhan, M.S. & Bhattacharyya, A.: A contribution to the ethnobotany of Pokhari block,Chamoli Garhwal, U.P. Himalaya/ Chettri, R., Rai, B. & Khawas, D.B.:Certain medicinal plants in the folklore and folklife of Darjeeling and Sikkim hills, India I. Used for the treatment of ailments in domestic animals/ Chhetri, R.B., Kataki, S.K. & Boissya, C.L.: Ethnobotany of some ichthyotoxic plants in Meghalaya, northeastern India/ etc.
Autor/Hrsg. Maheshwari, J. K., G. Kunkel, M. M. Bhandari and J. A. Duke (eds.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Maheshwari, J. K., G. Kunkel, M. M. Bhandari and J. A. Duke (eds.)
Seiten Maheshwari, J. K., G. Kunkel, M. M. Bhandari and J. A. Duke (eds.): Ethnobotany in India.1993.(Reprint from Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, Additional Series No.10,1992).Illustr.499 p. (55178) 75.97
Verlag Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Booksellers 23 A Connaught Place 248001 Dehradun INDIEN
Preis netto 71,00
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ISBN/ISSN 2240000551784
ISBN 2240000551784
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