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Book ID: 116342
Page, Christopher N.

Evolution of the Arborescent Gymnosperms. Pattern, Process and DiversityVolume 2: Southern Hemisphere Focus. 2024. illus. 750 p. g8vo. Hardcover.

Volume 2 covers genera with a predominantly Southern Hemisphere range.

- can be used as a ready-reference to dip into for genus-specific information, as well as providing a full environmental-evolutionary survey
- proposes a new holistic taxonomic structure, based on modern hylogenetic analyses
- answers questions such as, how did these forests and their ancient components originate? how have they survived? and how can they be successfully preserved for the future?

Preface and Acknowledgements/ Structure of the Two Volumes/ Part I. Aims, Approaches and Methodologies( Part II. Phylogenetic Bases and Revised Taxonomic Structure7 Part III. Living Arborescent Gynosperm Genetic Presentations: Fitzroya/ Cryptomeria/ Glyptostrobus/ Taxodium/ Sequoia/ Sequoiadendron/ Metasequoia/ Cunninghamia/ Taiwania/ Athrotaxis/ Araucaria/ Wollemia/ Agathis/ Podocarpus/ Retrophyllum/ Nageia/ Afrocarpus/ Dacrydium/ Dacrycarpus/ Falcatifolium/ Acmopyle/ Halocarpus/ Lagarostrobos/ Manoao/ Parasitaxus/ Prumnopitys/ Sundacarpus/ Pectinopitys/ Microcachrys/ Phaerosphaera/ Phyllocladus/ Saxegothaea/ Lepidothamnus/ IV. From Ecosystem Services to Conservation and Sustainability/ Bibliography/ Genus index.
Autor/Hrsg. Page, Christopher N.
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Page, Christopher N.
Verlag Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building Account number 0060026093
Preis netto 149,00
USD Preis netto 163,9
ISBN/ISSN 9781009263092
ISBN 9781009263092
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
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