Book ID: 48801
Fahn, Abraham and David F. Cutler
Xerophytes.1992.(Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie,Encyclopedia of Plant Anatomy,Spezieller Teil, Volume XII,Teil 3). 90 figures. 20 tabs.IX,176 p.gr8vo.Cloth.-In English.
This book surveys current knowledge on the morphological and anatomicaladaptations and survival strategies enabling plants to grow and completetheir life cycles in arid, semi-arid and saline regions. The subjectmatter is organised in this way: the concept of adaptation toenvironment is followed by a brief consideration of arid regions andtheir floras; terms are defined; an account of various survivalstrategies is given. Next there is an account of the underlyinganatomical/histological characters commonly found in the plants concerned, first in photosynthetic organs (mainly leaves) then in theplant axis (roots and stems). Adaptations to salinity are described. Abrief summary section brings out the more important topics.