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Book ID: 114378
Bolets de Catalunya

Fasc.38. 2019. 50 col. pls with letterpress. r8vo. Folder. -Bilingual (Catalan / Spanish).

1 Agaricusbutyrebumeus 1851
2 Amanitaumbrinolutea 1852
3 Arrheniachlorocyanea 1853
4 Botryobasidiumrubiginosum 1854
5 Ceriporiareticulata 1855
6 Chroogomphus mediterraneus 1856
7 Coprinopsisstangliana 1857
8 Cortinariuscistoglaucopus 1858
9 Cortinariusgaleobdolon 1859
10 Cortinariuslepistoides 1860
11 Cystolepiotacystophora 1861
12 Cytosporachrysosperma 1862
13 Dactylosporastygia 1863
14 Diatrypellaquercina 1864
15 Entolomamadidum 1865
16 Ganodermaadspersum 1866
17 Geneaarenaria 1867
18 Geoglossumfallax 1868
19 Gomphidiustyrrhenicus 1869
20 Gyromitrafluctuans 1870
21 Hebelomahiemale 1871
22 Helvellacorium 1872
23 Hydnellumpeckii 1873
24 Hydnumelipsosporum 1874
25 Hygrocybecoccineocrenat 1875
26 Hygrocybeglutimpes var. rubra 1876
27 Hygrocybeovina1877
28 Hypsizygustessulatus1878
29 Inocybefuscidula 1879
30 Laccariaproxima1880
31 Lactariusaquizonatus 1881
32 Laurobasidiumlauri 1882
33 Lycoperdonlividum 1883
34 Microglossumgriseoviride 1884
35 Mycenabresadolana 1885
36 Mycopanscabripes 1886
37 Neofavolussuavissimus 1887
38 Patellariaatrata 1888
39 Pholiotinasulcata 1889
40 Pleurotuscolumbinus 1890
41 Postiasubcaesia 1891
42 Psathyrellamultipedata 1892
43 Pseudobaeosporbrunnea 1893
44 Ramariasuecica 1894
45 Sarcoscyphaaustriaca 1895
46 Schizoporaparadoxa 1896
47 Smardaeaplanchonis 1897
48 Tephrocybeatrata 1898
49 Tricholomafilamentosum 1899
50 Xerocomellusporosporus
Autor/Hrsg. Bolets de Catalunya
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Bolets de Catalunya
Seiten Bolets de Catalunya: Fasc.37. 2018. 50 plates plus text. Folder. - In Catalan, with Latin nomenclature. (107420) 44.94
Reihentitel Bolets de Catalunya
Band Nr. 37
Verlag Societat Catalana de Micologia
Preis netto 63,00
USD Preis netto 66,8
ISBN/ISSN 9901001143783
ISBN 9901001143783
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
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