Book ID: 86911
Singh, Sarnam and G. Panigrahi
Ferns and Fern - Allies of Anurachal Pradesh, Tirap District (India). 2 volumes. 2005. 227 col. photogr. 55 b/w photographs. 305 line - drawings. XXXVI, 881 p. 4to. Hardcover.
Deals with 305 taxa out of an estimated total of 1100 Indian speciesof Pteridophytes, more than 50% representing endemics. The geographicalarea covered is one of the biodiversically richest areas in India,and has special significance due the overlapping of its endemics withBurma, China and Sino - Japanese areas. Parts of the studied area arestill botanically terra incognita. - Classification, nomenclature atfamily, generic and species level, fourty eight new taxa described,Latin diagnoses and photographs of Holotype/ Isotype/ Paratype. Type and/or authentic specimens available at CAL and other herbaria have beenstudied and cited, detailed descriptions of habit, fronds,dermal appendages, sori, sporangium, spores etc., keys for families,genera and species, latest nomenclature for each taxon, and criticalcomments. - A 4.2 kg set.