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Book ID: 30200

Ferns of Malaysia in Colour.1988.1361 colourphotographs. XI,458 p.gr8vo.Cloth.

It is more than 3 decades since Dr.R.E.Holttum's standard reference work,Ferns of Malaya became available.In that time,more species of ferns have been discovered,and an update of that classic is therefore very much required.The present work meets that need,and it will also serve as a companion to Dr.Holttum's book.Also ethnobotanists will find this book of interest,as many of the ferns described are used medicinally,or as food,or as manure,and many of them are believed to possess supernatural powers.
Autor/Hrsg. Piggott,A.G.
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Piggott,A.G.
Seiten Piggott,A.G.: Ferns of Malaysia in Colour.1988.1361 colourphotographs. XI,458 p.gr8vo.Cloth.(30200) 117.70
Verlag Tropical Press Sdn. Bhd. Bangsar Baru
Preis netto 110,00
USD Preis netto 116,6
ISBN/ISSN 2240000302003
ISBN 2240000302003
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
Marktschreier Info Nein
117,70 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
110,00€ exkl. MWSt. (Andere Käufer)
(116,60 US$)
exklusive Versand
* Kunden mit europ. Mehrwertsteuernummer zahlen keine MwSt.
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