Book ID: 83730
Muir, Alister D. Neil D. Westcott (eds.)
Flax. The Genus Linum. 2003. (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Industrial Profiles, 34). illus. XII, 307 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Chapter headings: Introduction: history of the cultivation and uses offlaxseed/ Cultivated flax and the genus Linum L.: Taxonomy andgermplasm conservation/ Chemical studies on the constituents ofLinum spp./ Cultivation of flax/ Principal diseases of flax/ Principalinsect pests of flax/ The contribution of alpha-linolenic acid inflaxseed to human health/ The role of flaxseed lignans in hormone -dependent and independent cancer/ Flaxseed in the prevention ofcardiovascular diseases/ Flaxseed and flaxseed lignans: Effects of theprogression and severity of renal failure/ Mammalian metabolism offlax lignans/ Flaxseed constituents and human health/ Traditionalfood and medicinal uses of flaxseed/ Use of flaxseed in animal dietsto create consumer products with modified fatty acid profiles/Current market trends and economic importance of oilseed flax/Current regulatory status of flaxseed and commecial products.