Book ID: 3722
Die Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg. Zugleich Laubmoos- flora von Java mit Beruecksichtigung aller Familien und Gattungen der gesamten Laubmooswelt. (Flore de Buitenzorg, Partie V). 4 Bände. Leiden 1900-1922. (Bryophytorum Bibl., 9). 266 Fig. XCVIII,1760,8 S. (Second reprint, 2011).
This monograph treats all musci of Java and also refers to Indonesian and Indian species. It is the result of a five year permanent study at the living place of the musci described combined with visits of the author to Ceylon, Singapore and surroundings and a trip through the southeastern part of Sumatra. The special significance of this work must be seen in many new information supplied by Fleischer to exotic bryology by his observations in loco and the attention he paid to genetic, organographic and anatomical aspects as well as his thoroughful study of the Peristom.