Book ID: 64425
Sell, Peter and Gina Murrell
Flora of Great Britain, Ireland, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Volume 5: Butomaceae to Orchidaceae.1997. 21 line-figures. XIX, 410 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
This will become a new critical 'flora' of the British Isles, dealing with plants found in nature, naturalized and casual species found inthe area. Keys and full scientific descriptions. Species accountinclude Latin name, common English name, synononyma, decription, status,ecology and distribution. Volume 5 is the first to be publishedout of 5 volumes scheduled to be published up to the year 2001. Standingorders invited. Contents ( vol.5):Foreword by S.M.Walters/ Preface/ Acknowledgements/ Introduction/Conspectus of families/ Text/ Artificial key to families/ 149:Butomaceae/ 150: Alismataceae/ 151: Hydrocharitaceae/ 152: Scheuchzeriaceae/154: Juncaginaceae/ 155: Potamogetonaceae/ 156: Ruppiaceae/ 157: Najadaceae/ 158: Zanichelliaceae/ 169: Zosteraceae/ 160: Arecaceae/161: Araceae/ 162: Lemnaceae/ 163: Commelinaceae/ 164: Eriocaulaceae/165: Juncaceae/ 166: Cyperaceae/ 167:Poaceae/ 168: Sparganiaceae/ 169:Typhaceae/ 170: Pontederiaceae/ 172: Iridaceae/ 173: Liliaceae/174: Agavaceae/ 175: Dioscoraceae/ 176: Orchidaceae/ Glossary.