Book ID: 78315
Pullaiah, T., V. Ramakrishnaiah, S. Sandhya Rani and P. N. Rao
Flora of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India. 2000. 26 plates (= line - drawings). IV, 417 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Guntur is one of the 9 coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. It hasmangroves, dry deciduous forests and scrub jungles. Introductorychapters on topography, general features, past and present work andvegetation types. Thee systematic part deals with a total of 891species belonging to 495 genera and 132 families. Keys to families,genera asnd species. Genera and species arranged in alphabeticalsequence. Basionyms, synonyms, descriptions, distribution, floweringand fruiting period.