Book ID: 99251
Almeida, Marselin Rusario
Flora of Maharashtra. Volume 3b: Cuscutaceae to Martyniaceae. 2001. 68 col. photogr. Many line - drawings. 267 p. 4to.
Part B of volume III records 10 Natural orders orfamilies, begins with Cuscutaceae and ends at Martyniaceae, 373 species belonging to 123 genera along with 10 coloured plates, illustrations and photographs are incorporated in the text which really enhances the importance of the book. One new species, 3 new names, and 28 new combinations are the worthy contributions made by the author in this volume. Within the families, data on (a) key to the genera (b) key to the species (c) original citations of each species and intraspecific taxa (d) known synonymy (e) descriptions of species and lower taxa (f) Phenology (g) ecological notes (h) distributions in Maharashtra, (i) Nomenclatural notes (wherever necessary), are provided in the text.