Book ID: 53044
Welch, David
Flora of North Aberdeenshire. Botanical Vice-County 92. Publ.1993. IV,184 p.gr8vo.Paper bd.
Contents: Introduction/ Factors influencing the flora (Geography: Landform, Settlement, Population, Communications/ Climate/ Geology and soils/ Farming)/ The Plant Communities (Coastal vegetation/ Woodlands/Grasslands and moorlands/ Wetlands, lakes and rivers/ Roads andrailways/ Arable land and waste ground/ Upland vegetation)/ History ofBotanical Recording in North Aberdeenshire/ Composition of the Flora/Plan of the Flora/ Pteridophyta/ Gymnospermae/ Angiospermae/ References/Appendix 1. List of species now definitely or probably extinct in v.c.93/ Appendix 2. List of species believed erroneously recorded in v.c.93/ Appendix 3. Gazetteer/ Index of Plant Names.