Book ID: 3899
which deals with the territories of the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and South West Africa. BRYOPHYTA, part 1: Mosses, Fascicle 1: Sphagnaceae-Grimmiaceae, by Robert E.Magill. 1981. 110 distrib.maps in the text. 83 figs. XV,291 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contents: New taxa and a new combination published in part 1, fascicle1/ Geographical regions referred to in this fascicle/ Introduction(Vegetation formations in the Flora area: Fynbos, Desert/Karoo, Grassland/Savanna, Woodland, Forest, Alpine heath-grassland/ Collecting,preservation, study and identification of the mosses of Southern Africa:Collecting, Preservation, The moss packet, Study and identification,Characters used in keys and descriptions, Illustrations)/ Glossary/Conspectus of classification/ Literature cited/ Provisional key to the amilies of fascicle 1: Sphagnaceae, Andreaeaceae, Fissidentaceae,Nanobryaceae, Archidiaceae (by J. van Rooy), Ditrichaceae, Seligeriaceae, Dicranaceae, Calymperaceae, Encalyptaceae, Pottiaceae,Bryobartramiaceae, Grimmiaceae/ Index to fascicle 1.