Book ID: 69681
Flora of India. Series 2
Flora of Sikkim, Volume 1: Monocotyledons by Hajra, P.K. and D.M. Verma (Eds.). 1996. 4 col. photogr. 336 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Introd. chapters on botanical explorations, vegetation, phytogeographicaspects, plant resources, endangered plants, endemic plants, medicinalplants, species of horticultural importance, food plants, fire - woodyielding species, timber yielding species, dye yielding species, fodderyielding species, botanical curiosities, sacred groves, conservationaspects, followed by bibliography, and finally the enumeration, givinginformation on intralimital distribution, localities of recorded occurrence, altitudes, flowering / fruiting period, and here and theresome additional notes.