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Book ID: 18688
Foged, Niels

Diatoms in Eastern Australia.1978.(Bibl.Phycol.41).48 pls. IV, 244 p. (Reprint 2005). gr8vo. Hardcover.

Contents:Abstract/Preface/Previous investigations/Localities and samples/ Taxonomy/Final remarks/Acknowledgements/Bibliography(8 p.)/Abstract:212 samples collected in 1966,from 152 localities in the eastern part of Australia,i.e.Victoria,ACT,New South Wales and Queensland,have been examined for content of diatoms.Ab.860 taxa from 70genera are recorded.The following taxa are described as new:Achnanthescotteriensis n.sp.,A.entrancensis n.sp.,A.macquariensis n.sp.,A.reidensis n.sp.,Caloneis macquariensis n.sp.,Eunotia ballinaensisn.sp., E.serpentina var.eskdalensis nov.var.,Frustulia entrancensisMastogloia noosaensis n.sp.,and Pinnularia splendida var.gibbosa nov.var.;668 photos of 490 different taxa from the material are given in 48plates.
Autor/Hrsg. Foged, Niels
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Foged, Niels
Seiten Foged, Niels: Diatoms in Eastern Australia.1978.(Bibl.Phycol.41).48 pls. IV, 244 p. (Reprint 2005). gr8vo. Hardcover. (18688) 43.87
Verlag Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Booksellers 23 A Connaught Place 248001 Dehradun INDIEN
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ISBN/ISSN 9788121104487
ISBN 9788121104487
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43,87 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
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