Book ID: 48253
Beitraege zur Phytotaxonomie
Folge 15. 1992. Illustr. 165 S.gr8vo. Broschiert.
Contents (partly): In memoriam Werner Schulze, 22.12.1930-9.9.1990/Klotz, Gerhard: 40 years "Spezielle Botanik" at the Friedrich-Schiller-University/ Meyer, Friedrich Karl: The HerbariumHaussknecht - 40 years at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena/Grolle, Rielef: On the history of the Bryology in Jena/ Lepper, Lothar:The Flora-Cuba Projekt: main point of the investigation of the"Spezielle Botanik" in Jena since 1974/ Schmiedeknecht, Martin: Notulaede Puccinia psammochloae Wang/ etc./ Dietrich, Helga: Floristical andtaxonomical notes to the Orchids of Cuba 8/ Dietrich, Helga: Orchidaceaecubanae novae VII: Epidendrum secundum Jacq. ssp. briegeri H. Dietrich/Manitz, Hermann: Bibliography of the distribution - maps of higherplants in Cuba. Supplement 5.