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Book ID: 39551
SJOEGREN, Erik (ed.)

Forests of the world. Diversity and Dynamics (Abstracts). 1989. (Studies in Plant Ecology, 18). illustr. tabs. 295 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

Second hand copy.-From the contents: Forests of the world: What do we know, by Eddy vander Maarel/ Bioclimatic relationships of the Quercus frainetto forestsin Central and Southern Italy, by G.Abbate, C.Blasi, B.Paura, A.Scoppolaand F.Spada/ Temporal distribution of seedling emergence in sometemperate deciduous trees, by Christian Andersson/ Forest types ofnorthern Sweden - Introduction to an English version of "Det nordsvenskaSkogstypsschemat", by Tore Arnborg/ Soil acidification in spruce forestsin Norway and West Germany, by Egil Ingvar Aune, Eilif Dahl &Anne-Kristin Lees/ Restoration of a deciduous woodland in western Norwayformerly used for fodder production: Effects on tree canopy andfloristic composition, by Ingvild Austad & Arnfinn Skogen/ Change anddisturbance in forest ecosystems caused by human activity in the WesternMediterranean Basin, by M.Barbero & P.Quezel/ A tentative typology ofEuropean scrub and forest communities, based on vegetation texture andstructure, by J.J.Barkman/ Temperate forests of the southernhemisphere, by J.S.Beard/ Effect of landscape on type and pace of borealforest succession after fire, by Yves Bergeron/ Secondary scrubcommunities in Greece, by E.Bergmeier/ etc.
Autor/Hrsg. SJOEGREN, Erik (ed.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) SJOEGREN, Erik (ed.)
Seiten SJOEGREN, Erik (ed.): Forests of the world. Diversity and Dynamics (Abstracts). 1989. (Studies in Plant Ecology, 18). illustr. tabs. 295 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (39551) 32.00
Verlag Herbarium Haussknecht Sektion Biologie der Friedrich- Schiller-Universität
Preis netto 29,91
USD Preis netto 32,9
ISBN/ISSN 9789172108189
ISBN 9789172108189
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
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32,00 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
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