Book ID: 37889
DASH, Vaidya Bhagwan
Formulary of Tibetan Medicine. 1988. (Indo - Tibetan Medicine Series, no.2). figs.(line drawings). XLVIII,453 p. Lex8vo. Cloth. - In English and Tibetan.
People all over the world are evincing keen interest into various aspects of the multi-dimensional and multifaceted culture of Tibet. The traditional medicine of Tibet, which is still popularly practised in that country and in her neighbourhood has of late become the centre of this interest. For medical men and scientists, the language barrier and cryptic nature of description, specially with reference to therapeuticremedies have worked as deterrant, and they are unable to delve deep into these recipes to explore their scientific merits and possibilities of exploiting them for the welfare of the suffering humanity. To overcome this difficulty, 164 popularly used and therapeutically effective recipes from the treasure of Tibetan medicine have been described in this work, with reference to their ingredients, parts of these ingredients used, weight in which each ingredient is to be added,special methods or preparation, therapeutic indications and dosage.