Book ID: 4492
Franklin, J.F. and C.T. Dyrness
Natural vegetation of Oregon and Washington.1973. (USDA,Forest Serv.,Gen.Techn.Rep.PNW-8).Reprint 1988. 417 p.-With new commentary and bibliographic supplement of 33 p.gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contents(main headings):Introduction (Format,Definitions, and Nomenclature Paleobotany,Paleoecology, and Floristic Evolution)/ Environmental Setting (Physiography,Geology, and Soils/ Climate)/ Major Vegetational Areas/ Forest Zones of Western Washington and Northwestern Oregon/ Interior Valleys of Western Oregon/ Forest Zones of SouthwesternOregon/ Forest Zones of Eastern Oregon and Washington/ Steppe and Shrub-Steppe of the Columbia Basin Province/ Steppe and Shrub-Steppe of Central and Southeastern Oregon/ Timberline and Alpine Vegetation/ Vegetation of Some Unique Habitats/ References.