Book ID: 91836
Rooney, Neil, Kevin S. McCann and David L. G. Noakes (eds.)
From Energetics to Ecosystems: the Dynamics and Structure of Ecological Systems. 2006. (The Peter Yodzis Fundamental Ecology Series, Volume 1). XIX, 265 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.
Contents (partly): A process-oriented approach to the multispecies functional response/ Homage to Yodzis and Innes 1992: Scaling up feeding-based population dynamics to complex ecological networks/ Foodwebs, body size and the curse of the Latin binomial/ An energetic framework for trophic control/ Experimental studies of food webs: causesand consequences of trophic interactions/ Interplay between scale,resolution, life history and food web properties/ Heteroclinic Cycles inthe Rain Forest: Insights from Complex Dynamics/ etc.