Book ID: 88842
Mohandas, A. and I. S. Bright Singh (eds.)
Frontiers in Applied Environmental Microbiology. 2002. illus. 265 p. 4to. Hardcover.
Fifty-eight contributions (selected from a total of 114) presentedat the National (Indian) Symposium 'Frontiers in Applied EnvironmentalMicrobiology'. The sessions were grouped in areas (MicrobialManagement of Solid and Liquid Waste/ Microbial Quality and QualityControl of Potable and Recreational Waters/ Microbial Control ofInsect Pests/ Biofertilizers/ Microbial Leaching and Biominig/Microbial Fouling and Corrosion/ Pesticide Microbiology/ PetroleumMicrobiology/ Microbial Productivity and Diversity in Nature/Microbial Technology for Controlled Aquaculture Environment).