Book ID: 31023
GERATS, Antonius Gerardus Marie
Mutable Systems; their Influence on Flavonoid Synthesis in Petunia Hybrida. 1985. (Thesis). 25 figs. (line drawings). 46 tabs. 168 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
This thesis contains the results of research in three seemingly notvery related fields: (1) biochemical analysis of the expression offlavonoid genes and -alleles obtained from mutable systems, (2) researchon gene-chromosome relations and (3) genetic description of some aspectsof mutable systems. The connection between these three fields should befound in the underlying idea for this thesis: only integrated researchwill in the long term lead to a comprehensive insight in the relationsbetween structure, function, regulation and expression of genes.Research at the molecular level is in this sense of course necessary.