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Book ID: 25034
SOUTHWICK, Charles H. (ed.)

Global Ecology. 1985. illustr. tabs. 323 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

Contents: Preface/ The Biosphere/ Divergent Views on the State of theWorld/ Simon and Kahn Versus Global 2000/ Bright Global Future/ Principles and Trends in Global Ecology/ Interacting with the Elements:Man and Biogeochemical Cycles/ Chemistry and the Biosphere/ The Role ofOcean Biota in Accelerated Ecological Cycles: A Temporal View/ WorldEnvironmental Trends Between 1972 and 1982/ An Inquiry into the State ofthe Earth/ Problems of Pollution and Environmental Deterioration/ AirPollution, Acid Rain and the Future of Forests/ GroundwaterContamination: Local Problems Become a National Issue/ BiologicalConsequences of Global Pollution of the Marine Environment/ Soil Erosion: Quiet Crisis in the World Economy/ Putting Food on the World'sTable: A Crisis of Many Dimensions/ Environmental Impacts of EarlySocieties and the Rise of Agriculture/ Sahel Will Suffer even if RainsCome: Desertification Defines Ordeal of the Sahel/ Tropical Forests:What Will Be Their Fate?/ Humanistic Considerations/ StabilizingPopulation/ The Human Condition: Economics and Health/ Improving WorldHealth: A Least Cost Strategy/ Schistosomiasis and Water Projects:Breaking the Link/ Ecological Effects of the War in Vietnam/ Science,Conflict, and Human Prospects/ The Climatic and Biological Consequencesof Nuclear War/ Third World in the Global Future/ Science and Technologyin a World Transformed/ Index.
Autor/Hrsg. SOUTHWICK, Charles H. (ed.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) SOUTHWICK, Charles H. (ed.)
Seiten SOUTHWICK, Charles H. (ed.): Global Ecology. 1985. illustr. tabs. 323 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (25034) 18.19
Verlag Sinauer Associates, Inc. P.O.Box 407
Preis netto 17,00
USD Preis netto 18,7
ISBN/ISSN 2240000250342
ISBN 2240000250342
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
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18,19 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
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