Book ID: 32284
SODERSTROM, Thomas R., Khidir W.HILU, Christopher S.CAMPBELL, Mary E. BARKWORTH (EDS.)
Grass Systematics and Evolution. An International Sym- posium Held at Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 27-31 July 1986. Publ. 1987. illustrated. XIV,472 p. 4to. Cloth.
Contents (partly): Structural Diversity (Roger P.Ellis: A Review ofComparative Leaf Blade Anatomy in the Systematics of the Poaceae: ThePast Twenty-Five Years/ Ana Anton de Triquell: Grass Gametophytes: TheirOrigin, Structure, and Relation with the Sporophyte/ H.Trevor Clifford:Spikelet and Floral Morphology/ Tatiana Sendulsky, Tarciso S. Filgueirasand Alasdair G.Burman: Fruits, Embryos, and Seedlings/ Lynn G. Clark andJack B.Fisher: Vegetative Morphology of Grasses: Shoots and Roots)/Biochemical Diversity (Paul W.Hattersley: Variations in PhotosyntheticPathway/ Khidir W.Hilu: Chloroplast DNA in the Systematics and Evolutionof the Poaceae/ R.Appels, Graham Scoles, and Christopher G.D.Chapman:The Nature of Change in Nuclear DNA in the Evolution of the Grasses/Hock-Hin Yeoh and Leslie Watson: Taxonomic Patterns in Protein AminoAcid Profiles of Grass Leaves and Caryopses/ etc.)/ Reproductive Biology(Henry Eamonn Connor: Reproductive Biology in the Grasses/ JohnHeslop-Harrison and Yolande Heslop-Harrison: Pollen-Stigma Interactionin the Grasses/ Gerrit Davidse: Fruit Dispersal in the Poaceae)/Evolution (Joseph R.Thomasson: Fossil Grasses: 1820-1986 and Beyond/D.B.O.Savile: Use of Rust Fungi (Uredinales) in Determining Ages andRelationships in Poaceae/ Juan H.Hunziker and G.Ledyard Stebbins:Chromosomal Evolution in the Gramineae/ J.M.J. de Wet: Hybridization andPolyploidy in the Poaceae/ Hugh H.Iltis: Maize Evolution andAgricultural Origins)/ Systematics of Major Groups (Christopher S.Campbell and Elizabeth A.Kellogg: Sister Group Relationships of thePoaceae/ Thomas R.Soderstrom and Roger P.Ellis: The Position of BambooGenera and Allies in a System of Grass Classification/ Hans JoachimConert: Current Concepts in the Systematics of the Arundinoideae/Mary E.Barkworth and Joy Everett: Evolution in the Stipeae:Identification and Relationships of Its Monophyletic Taxa/ etc.)/Taxonomic Data and Analysis (James R.Estes and Ronald J.Tyrl: Conceptsof Taxa in the Poaceae/ Bernard R.Baum: Numerical Taxonomic Analyses ofthe Poaceae/ Leslie Watson: Automated Descriptions of Grass Genera)/Grasses: Past, Present, and Future/ Bibliography/ Taxonomic index.