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Book ID: 47051
Gresshoff, Peter M. (ed.)

Plant Biotechnology and Development.1992. (Current Topics in Plant Molecular Biology).Illustr. V,171 p.gr8vo. Hardcover.

Contents: DNA amplification fingerprinting and its potentialapplication for genome analysis/ The plant molybdenum cofactor (Moco)/Motility and chemotaxis in the life of rhizobia/ Distinct entitiesbetween soybean agglutinin receptor and soybean root hair binding siteon Bradyrhizobium japonicum cell surface/ Rhizobium lipopolysaccharides;their structures and evidence for their importance in the nitrogen-fixing symbiotic infection of their host legumes/ Molecularsignaling in the Bradyrhizobium japonicum-soybean symbiosis/ Cytokininsand legume nodulation/ Nodulation in the absence of Rhizobium/ Alteredtryptophan biosynthesis in Bradyrhizobium japonicum gives enhancednodulation and nitrogen fixation/ Alfalfa nodule development;ribunucleotide pools and ribonucleotide reductase activity in culturedand symbiotic Rhizobium meliloti/ etc.
Autor/Hrsg. Gresshoff, Peter M. (ed.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Gresshoff, Peter M. (ed.)
Seiten Gresshoff, Peter M. (ed.): Plant Biotechnology and Development.1992. (Current Topics in Plant Molecular Biology).Illustr. V,171 p.gr8vo. Hardcover.(47051) 34.24
Verlag CRC Press LLC
Preis netto 32,00
USD Preis netto 35,2
ISBN/ISSN 9780849382611
ISBN 9780849382611
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
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